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German as a Foreign Language M.A.

The Master's Program in German as a Foreign Language is an interdisciplinary program and includes the subjects German as a Foreign Language, Linguistics and Literary Studies. The program is multi-perspective and aims to train students who are able to combine theory and practice and to conduct research in these areas. In the DaF master's program, students acquire both scientific-methodological and methodological-didactic competencies and intercultural communication skills. The goal of the Master's program is to produce qualified graduates who have acquired a national and international perspective in the interdisciplinary field and who can compete globally in teaching and research. Graduates will be trained to become experts in German as a foreign language, intercultural communication, etc. in the global marketplace.  The Master's program is conducted in academic cooperation with the Master's program "German as a Foreign Language and German Studies" at Bielefeld University. The standard period of study is four semesters. In the first three semesters the courses take place and in the 4th semester the master thesis is written. Students have the opportunity to spend one semester (3rd semester) of their Master's degree at Bielefeld University as part of the double degree programme with Bielefeld University. The stay abroad in the 3rd semester is supported by a scholarship. Deadline for applications:  10 June – 9 August 2024